Antrim and Newtownabbey

Biodiversity Projects

Wild Garlic Pesto

It was a beautifully sunny day and we set off with Dermot ( from the White House along Glas-na-braden Glen.  With a promise of ‘plenty of wild garlic’ in the glen even Dermot was surprised when the smell of garlic greeted us – the Glen is full of garlic and at this time of year the smell is unbelievable!  Everywhere we looked, we could see the pretty white flowers of the … [Read More...]

The Secret Life of Graveyards!

Ballynure Primary School and Kilbride Central Primary School took part in an exciting investigation in two local graveyards this week.Kilbride and Ballynure Cemetery was 'invaded' by school children as they joined Ecomantella to investigate the mini beast and mammals that rely on these peaceful spaces. … [Read More...]

Wild About Food!

Wild About Food is an exciting project - a partnership between Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and funded by Heritage Lottery Fund - which will see participants taking part in a range of activities making the most of local products.It was launched on Monday 9 May 2016 by the Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough, Councillor Thomas Hogg and the … [Read More...]

Wild About Food

Wild About Food is an exciting programme of events between May and October encouraging everyone to celebrate the wild food available on our door step!In a partnership project between Mid and East Antrim and Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Councils, funded by HLF, participants can make their own pesto, frozen treats and even do some bread making!Have a look at what is on offer - and book … [Read More...]

Rea’s Wood BIG Spring Clean

Rea's Wood BIG Spring CleanWhen: Join the Rea's Wood BIG Spring Clean on Saturday 23rd April, starting at 10.30am.Where? A transport service will be provided for volunteers, picking up from Lough Shore Park, Antrim.Volunteers attending the clean up must register with Nicola Murray at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful.T: 028 9076 … [Read More...]

World Wetlands Day ‘clean up’ at Canal Walk

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2nd February to raise awareness about the value of wetlands. The theme for 2016, under the banner “Wetlands for our Future” is: Sustainable Livelihoods and is selected to demonstrate the vital role of wetlands for the current and future wellbeing of humanity and to promote the wise use of all sorts of wetlands.Councillor Thomas Hogg, Mayor of … [Read More...]

All aflutter at Steeple Play Park on Wednesday 22 July, 10am to 12 noon.

Come and join Butterfly Conservation and your Local Biodiversity Officer in a fun survey to record Butterflies. Do you know your Small Tortoiseshell from your Peacock? Come along to find out more. There will be some magically moths to see as well.Children must be accompanied by an adult.Places limited. Booking required.No chargeFor further information or to book a place contact … [Read More...]

Crumlin Glen Biodiversity Summer School

Looking for something fun for the children this summer? ANBC are running a Biodiversity Summer School in Crumlin Glen from Monday 27 to Friday 31 July, 10am to 12 noon. The fun filled week of activities will take place outdoors.All activities are FREE and children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking is required as places are limited. … [Read More...]

Hedgerow Celebration in Antrim

A fun free hedgerow event will take place on Saturday 19 October, anytime between 10am to 3pm at Mill Race Trail, Kirby’s Lane car park, Antrim. Why not join us to help plant a hedge, try some hedgerow jam on a home baked scone and learn about growing plants from seeds.The event is part of the Hedgerow Hopes Project which is supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund. … [Read More...]

Join the Antrim Borough Biodiversity Forum

Would you like to do your bit in conserving your local environment?  Then why not come along to the Clotworthy Arts Centre in Antrim Castle Gardens, on Tuesday 27 August at 6.00pm for annual Biodiversity Forum. There will be a special treat this year, of some foraged food for you to try before the event.The Biodiversity Forum meets to contribute and to ensure active engagement with anyone who … [Read More...]

The European Hare vs the Irish Hare

The European Hare in the north of Ireland and its impact on the Irish HareWednesday 4 September 20137pm Toome House, ToomebridgeAnthony Hallam, A PhD research student will deliver a talk on the unique status of the Irish hare and on the issue of the introduced European hares in Ireland.South Derry is one of the areas where both species overlap. Hybribisation may occur throughout … [Read More...]

FREE Riverbank Invasive Alien Species pockect identification guide.

Would you like a free Riverbank Invasive Alien Plants pocket identification guide? If so, just contact your Biodiversity Officer at Antrim Borough Council T: 9446 3113 ext 1371, E: and make your request. The leaflets are also available to collect at most Council venues.Invasive Alien Species have colonised riverbanks throughout Northern Ireland. They threaten our … [Read More...]

Biodiversity Recording

Biodiversity Recording Events in Antrim

The Biodiversity Games is a recording project which is supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund, ‘Your Heritage’ Programme in partnership with eight biodiversity officers which aims to get people involved in helping their local biodiversity by ‘get recording’. As part of the project we are running several events here in Antrim.Wildflowers Count Saturday 15 June 10am … [Read More...]

Kilbride Cemetery gets a work team

A beautiful, crisp February morning saw 17 pupils from Kilbride Central Primary School joining local volunteers and the Council Cemeteries Team to do their bit for biodiversity at Kilbride Cemetery.Some tree planting was the first job on the list with pupils planting hawthorn and blackthorn whips to fill gaps in the mature hedge which surrounds the site.  A copse of trees were also planted in … [Read More...]

Wildflower walk

12 June. Wednesday, 7-9pmShane's Castle EstateBooking required. For further information or to book your place please contact, Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer T: 9446 3113 ext 1371 special opportunity to see the wonderful wildflower meadows in Shane's Castle Estate, explore some of the hidden parts of the estate and find out how this species-rich habitat … [Read More...]

Dawn Chorus

Sunday 28 April, 5.30amRea’s Wood, AntrimTo book your place or for further details, please contact: Brenda Campbell, Antrim RSPB Group T. 028 9332 3657 E. or Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer T. 028 9446 3113 E. birds” are in for a treat. The walk will start at 5.30am and will last approximately 2 hours. Along the way take the … [Read More...]

An introduction to Bumblebee Identification

Saturday 3rd August 10.30am to 2.30pmAntrim Castle GardensPlaces limited. Booking required. No charge. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Did you know there are 101 bee species in Ireland? 20 of these species are bumblebees, and more than half of these bumblebees are in decline. To learn more facts, and tips on how you can record these … [Read More...]

BIG butterfly Count

Tuesday 30 July 10am-12Antrim Castle GardensAll spectators welcome. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Come and join in the BIG Butterfly Count. Perhaps we’ll see a Peacock or a Small Tortoiseshell feeding on the Lavender. Or we’ll find a Speckled Wood in the Wildwood. At the beginning of the event there will also be an opportunity to … [Read More...]

Ladybird identification

Saturday 29 June 10am-3pmAntrim Castle GardensPlaces limited. Booking required.No charge. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Did you know there are 15 varieties of Ladybird in Northern Ireland? This event will include a talk on identification of species in this small group, and then a look at Ladybirds captured using sweep nets around … [Read More...]

Wildflowers Count

Saturday 25 May 10am - 12pmAntrim Castle GardensPlaces limited. Booking required. No Charge. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Learn how to carry out a ‘Wildflowers Count’ survey for Plantlife. The UK’s only annual wild plant survey. Many of our more common species of flower can easily be taken for granted, often overlooked while we … [Read More...]

Hedgerow Hopes

Come along to one of our Hedgerow Hopes events to find out what biodiversity our native hedges support, how to restore a hedgerow and why they are one of nature’s food stores.Species-rich hedgerows are important to us as well as to our wildlife. They are of historical and landscape importance often marking townland or estate boundaries. They also:provide colour, shelter and … [Read More...]

Green Volunteers

Newtownabbey Way Green Volunteers

A small but strong group of volunteers have been busy doing their bit to enhance the Newtownabbey Way for both wildlife and people.  From tree and bulb planting to litter picking and hedge maintenance – once a month this very capable group get together to get active along the Newtownabbey Way.As spring peeps it head around the corner and snowdrops, wood anemone and wild garlic appear out of … [Read More...]

Traditional Forestry Management on the Newtownabey Way 2

Horses and their role in sensitive woodland management.

One of the many gems of along the Newtownabbey Way is the valley carved by the Three Mile Water.This section of the path is dominated by coniferous forestry on both sides of the river.  While these trees have certainly served their purpose providing habitat and shelter for a variety of wildlife, they have now reached maturity and require maintenance with many of the trees showing signs of … [Read More...]

Litter Champions

Litter Champions!

So you want to help keep our borough tidy? Calling all Litter Role models - would you benefit from a FREE litter picker?The Litter Champions Project aims to encourage volunteers to make a difference in their community by challenging attitudes about littering.A new community project is being launched throughout Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey to support role models in their efforts to rid … [Read More...]

Hedge laid at Mossley Mil

Hedgerow Hopes Project

Hedgerow Hopes is a partnership project between four local councils; Antrim, Belfast, Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey Borough Councils, to celebrate and promote the biodiversity importance of our native hedgerows through the involvement of local people.Hedgerow Hopes is an exciting new project linking the four council areas and promoting the importance of our native hedgerows.The project … [Read More...]

Huge Water Beetle

Eco Club at Mossley Mill

Eco Club at Mossley Mill is a new monthly club for kids aged 8 - 12 with an interest in wildlife and all things wild! Our new eco-club helps children explore nature and have lots of fun too with games, activities and crafts!Getting involved and discovering the outdoors to see what nature has to offer. Find a beetles hiding place, look beneath the surface of a pond and the watery world beneath … [Read More...]

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