Garry Bog

The Ballymoney area has a wealth of boglands including 3 designated lowland raised bogs, Caldnagh Bog, Dunloy Bog and the internationally recognised Garry Bog.Dunloy and Garry Bogs are two of the largest remaining areas of undamaged lowland … [Read more...]

Drumaheglis Caravan Park & Marina

Bann Woods North or the Bann Dumps are a series of six small woods, of which Drumaheglis is one, adjacent to the River Bann. They are located south of Coleraine and extending south to the Agivey Bridge close to Ballymoney.These areas of woodland … [Read more...]

Cottage wood

Cottage wood is found on the outskirts of Cushendall village, it is a 10 acre broadleaved woodland site with a network of paths winding their way through it, viewpoints and picnic facilities. What makes this woodland a must to visit is a very special … [Read more...]

Binevneagh & Gortmore

Binevenagh towers over the coastal landscape of Limavady Borough giving breathtaking views of Lough Foyle, Inishowen and the northern coastline. The cliffs create a unique habitat in Northern Ireland where arctic alpine plant species such as purple … [Read more...]

Benone Strand

Benone Strand is one of the north coast’s best loved beaches. Take the time to wander through the extensive dune grasslands at Benone Strand to find a wealth of wildlife including the delicate and striking common blue and ringlet butterflies, … [Read more...]


The Bann Estuary acts as a highway for birds entering and leaving Ireland along the Bann / Lough Neagh System, there are significant numbers of passage and wintering waders such as lapwing, golden plover and curlew  and it is also important for … [Read more...]

Ballykelly Bank

Located on the eastern shore of Lough Foyle, Ballykelly Bank is bounded on one side by the Lough shore and on the other side by freshwater ponds, reedbeds and reclaimed farmland. If you take a walk you will be rewarded with views of waders and … [Read more...]

Ball’s Point

Ball's Point is located to the north of the Roe Estuary at one of the widest parts of Lough Foyle. It overlooks extensive intertidal mudflats and sandflats that provide a rich feeding ground for the thousands of migrating waders, ducks, swans and … [Read more...]

Magilligan Point

Situated at the most north-western tip of the north coast, Magilligan Point lies at the western edge of one of the most extensive sand dune systems in the UK and Ireland that runs all the way to Downhill. The valleys, known as slacks, between the … [Read more...]