The European Hare vs the Irish Hare

The European Hare in the north of Ireland and its impact on the Irish HareWednesday 4 September 20137pm Toome House, ToomebridgeAnthony Hallam, A PhD research student will deliver a talk on the unique status of the Irish hare and on the … [Read more...]

FREE Riverbank Invasive Alien Species pockect identification guide.

Would you like a free Riverbank Invasive Alien Plants pocket identification guide? If so, just contact your Biodiversity Officer at Antrim Borough Council T: 9446 3113 ext 1371, E: and make your request. The leaflets are … [Read more...]

Biodiversity Recording Events in Antrim

The Biodiversity Games is a recording project which is supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund, ‘Your Heritage’ Programme in partnership with eight biodiversity officers which aims to get people involved in helping their … [Read more...]

Kilbride Cemetery gets a work team

A beautiful, crisp February morning saw 17 pupils from Kilbride Central Primary School joining local volunteers and the Council Cemeteries Team to do their bit for biodiversity at Kilbride Cemetery.Some tree planting was the first job on the list … [Read more...]

Wildflower walk

12 June. Wednesday, 7-9pmShane's Castle EstateBooking required. For further information or to book your place please contact, Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer T: 9446 3113 ext 1371 special opportunity to see … [Read more...]

Dawn Chorus

Sunday 28 April, 5.30amRea’s Wood, AntrimTo book your place or for further details, please contact: Brenda Campbell, Antrim RSPB Group T. 028 9332 3657 E. or Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer T. 028 9446 3113 E. … [Read more...]

An introduction to Bumblebee Identification

Saturday 3rd August 10.30am to 2.30pmAntrim Castle GardensPlaces limited. Booking required. No charge. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Did you know there are 101 bee species in Ireland? … [Read more...]

BIG butterfly Count

Tuesday 30 July 10am-12Antrim Castle GardensAll spectators welcome. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Come and join in the BIG Butterfly Count. Perhaps we’ll see a Peacock or a Small … [Read more...]

Ladybird identification

Saturday 29 June 10am-3pmAntrim Castle GardensPlaces limited. Booking required.No charge. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Did you know there are 15 varieties of Ladybird in Northern … [Read more...]

Wildflowers Count

Saturday 25 May 10am - 12pmAntrim Castle GardensPlaces limited. Booking required. No Charge. Ruth Wilson, Biodiversity Officer Antrim Borough Council T: 028 9446 3113 ext 1371Learn how to carry out a ‘Wildflowers Count’ survey for … [Read more...]