Hedgerow Hopes

Come along to one of our Hedgerow Hopes events to find out what biodiversity our native hedges support, how to restore a hedgerow and why they are one of nature’s food stores.Species-rich hedgerows are important to us as well as to our wildlife. … [Read more...]

Newtownabbey Way Green Volunteers

A small but strong group of volunteers have been busy doing their bit to enhance the Newtownabbey Way for both wildlife and people.  From tree and bulb planting to litter picking and hedge maintenance – once a month this very capable group get … [Read more...]

Horses and their role in sensitive woodland management.

One of the many gems of along the Newtownabbey Way is the valley carved by the Three Mile Water.This section of the path is dominated by coniferous forestry on both sides of the river.  While these trees have certainly served their purpose … [Read more...]

Litter Champions!

So you want to help keep our borough tidy? Calling all Litter Role models - would you benefit from a FREE litter picker?The Litter Champions Project aims to encourage volunteers to make a difference in their community by challenging attitudes … [Read more...]

Hedgerow Hopes Project

Hedgerow Hopes is a partnership project between four local councils; Antrim, Belfast, Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey Borough Councils, to celebrate and promote the biodiversity importance of our native hedgerows through the involvement of local … [Read more...]

Eco Club at Mossley Mill

Eco Club at Mossley Mill is a new monthly club for kids aged 8 - 12 with an interest in wildlife and all things wild! Our new eco-club helps children explore nature and have lots of fun too with games, activities and crafts!Getting involved and … [Read more...]