Ireland is buzzing as 68 organisations enlist to save our Bees

September 17th 2015 sees the launch of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, which identifies actions to help protect pollinators and the livelihoods of farmers who rely on their invaluable pollination service.Sixty-eight governmental and … [Read more...]

Mid and East Antrim Biodiversity Summer School a Huge Success

Seed Bombing at Jubilee WoodThe Biodiversity Summer School has been held at Diamond Jubilee Wood, Whitehead since the woodland officially opened in 2012. This is the fourth successful year.The Biodiversity Summer School gives families the … [Read more...]

Woodland Safari Carnfunnock

Last Tuesday 28th July a group of brave participants came out in atrocious weather to take part in a woodland safari at Carnfunnock Country park. The theme of the walk was mammal tracks and signs. The participants were advised that even though there … [Read more...]

Country comes to town as Carrickfergus Mill Ponds LNR are officially opened

 Part of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s industrial heritage has been reborn as an urban oasis for wildlife.Guests gathered at Carrickfergus Mill Ponds today for the official opening of the site as a nature reserve and saw local … [Read more...]

Squirrel Pox Discovered at Garron, Co Antrim

Squirrel Pox has recently been confirmed from a red squirrel in the Mid and East Antrim area. One of our native red squirrels, discovered near Garron Point, has been found to have been suffering from the pox virus, a disease that can prove fatal to … [Read more...]

Local primary school provides homes for wildlife in Smiley Park, Larne

Pupils from St. MacNissi's Primary School in Larne recently took part in a project with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council to make wildlife habitats in Smiley Park, a well wooded small amenity area near the centre of the town.  Under the experienced … [Read more...]

Pine Marten making a comeback in Mid and East Antrim

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council along with ‘citizen scientists’ from the council area and  members of the  Glens Red Squirrel Group have been working with scientists from Quercus (QUB), over the last few months to help survey woodlands in the Mid … [Read more...]

New Nesting Habitat Created for Local Black Guillemots

The black guillemot or 'tystie' is one of our most charismatic birds with important populations breeding along our Coastlines.  Much of our local population breeds around the northern coast and their distribution is largely determined by the … [Read more...]

A ‘Quacking’ Time at Glynn Station Birdwatch

A Birdwatch event is being held at Glynn Halt on the Larne Line on Saturday 20th December from 11am to 1pm. The event has been organised in partnership with Translink.The event is open to all whether this if your first time bird watching or you … [Read more...]

Launch of the Mid and East Antrim Local Biodiversity Action Plan

The Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) for Ballymena, Carrickfergus and Larne Council areas, which will form the new Mid and East Antrim Council area was launched today at Ballygally Hall and marks what will be a key landmark for biodiversity … [Read more...]