Woodland Safari Carnfunnock

Last Tuesday 28th July a group of brave participants came out in atrocious weather to take part in a woodland safari at Carnfunnock Country park. The theme of the walk was mammal tracks and signs. The participants were advised that even though there was a number of different mammal species living and foraging at Carnfunnock, the chances of seeing these animals during the day was remote as most are nocturnal and are shy away when people are about. We can however detect that animals have been present by looking for signs of them feeding and moving about an area. The group were excellent detectives and found a number of signs of squirrel activity, as well as mice activity, and some possible fox trails were located also. We had established that these creatures have been active and present in the park and now we wanted to see them. To achieve this the group set up a baited camera trap which was left for a few days to pick up what animals are foraging in the area. There was a lot of activity about the camera with thousands of pictures recorded.   There were a number of bird species and some of the mammals we had found signs of during the walk were captured also. Some of the images captured by the camera are uploaded below. If any of the participants would like more information on the activity recorded by the camera trap please get in contact.

Local dog investigating the area

Local dog investigating the area

Grey Squirrel

Grey Squirrel

Fox skulking in the background

Fox skulking in the background