Castle Gardens, Antrim

A garden layout of wildnerness woodland, ponds, canals, avenues and vistas. The Six Mile Water runs alongside the edge of the garden, watch out for a Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail and Dipper making their way along the river corridor, you may even see an … [Read more...]

CAFRE Trail, Greenmount Campus

Find out about important issues affecting agriculture and the environment, for example: biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, habitat management, endangered species, water quality and waste management. CAFRE have teamed up with RSPB to encourage a … [Read more...]

Belfast Hills

These hills are made up in part from lava, now hardened into the rock basalt, that erupted here 60 million years ago. The upland habitat is a mosaic of grassland, upland heath and bog and home to many species of wildlife. The site is significant to … [Read more...]