Archives for August 2013

Join the Antrim Borough Biodiversity Forum

Would you like to do your bit in conserving your local environment?  Then why not come along to the Clotworthy Arts Centre in Antrim Castle Gardens, on Tuesday 27 August at 6.00pm for annual Biodiversity Forum. There will be a special treat this … [Read more...]

The European Hare vs the Irish Hare

The European Hare in the north of Ireland and its impact on the Irish HareWednesday 4 September 20137pm Toome House, ToomebridgeAnthony Hallam, A PhD research student will deliver a talk on the unique status of the Irish hare and on the … [Read more...]

FREE Riverbank Invasive Alien Species pockect identification guide.

Would you like a free Riverbank Invasive Alien Plants pocket identification guide? If so, just contact your Biodiversity Officer at Antrim Borough Council T: 9446 3113 ext 1371, E: and make your request. The leaflets are … [Read more...]