Bashfordsland Wood & Oakfield Glen

oakfield-more-infoBashfordsland Wood and Oakfield Glen  sit side-by-side on the western edge of Carrickfergus, approximately 1 ½ miles from the historic town centre, and offer a leisurely stroll in the most tranquil of settings, lasting up to one hour. The walk is mostly moderate, but with some gentle inclines. There is over 4km of pathways running through both sites.


The site is the remnants of where three large estates joined – Oakfield, Bessfield and Glenfield. Oakfield was once a countryman’s residence built in 1805 and decorated with fine gardens and exotic plantings. The big house was demolished in the 1950s, but you can still see remnants of the old ice house; while some interesting specimen trees, including a redwood, remain. Visitors will also come across a charming burn which bisects the site and two new stone bridges which echo the remains of a much older bridges, built in Victorian times.

A hawthorn hedge which runs through the wood (for an Irish mile) is said to have inspired the name of the local village ‘Milebush’. Visitors will come across a charming burn which bisects the site, while two new stone bridges echo the remains of a much older one, built in Victorian times. Springtime visitors have an additional treat – vibrant displays of bluebells, wild garlic and wood sorrel.

There is an active Friends Of group – ‘Friends Of Bashfordsland Wood & Oakfield Glen’ – who meet on the second Saturday of each month and carry out a wide variety of practical tasks on site including tree management, pond clearing, and removal of invasive species. For more information on the ‘Friends Of’ group T: 028 9335 8231