Lottery boost for Omagh’s natural heritage

A new natural heritage project is to get underway in Grange Park, Omagh with the help of a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant, it was announced today.  The £10,400 grant was awarded to Omagh District Council and will be used to create a new tree trail and run a number of small conservation projects within the park.

Grange Park is the main Council owned park in Omagh town and currently attracts thousands of visitors each year to use the play facilities, attend outdoor events and for leisure activities.  The Grange Park Tree Tale project will highlight the value of the trees, which includes a mix of mature horse chestnut, Irish yews and pine trees as well many younger native trees, through the establishment of a new heritage tree trail.  A number of information boards will be produced and displayed throughout the park to raise awareness of the different tree species, their origins and history, and of their importance to the park’s wildlife and biodiversity.  A tree trail information leaflet will also be designed with local community groups, young people and school children encouraged to take part in the project by helping with its design and production.

A number of smaller conservation projects, including the creation of a small wildflower meadow, tree planting scheme and biodiversity box making and installation will also be held alongside a programme of guided visits to the tree trail, providing additional opportunities for local people to get involved in the activities.

Funding for the project was awarded through HLF’s Your Heritage programme which provides grants of up to £50,000 for projects that explore, record and conserve all aspects of our local, regional or national heritage.

For more information about HLF and its grants programmes, please call 028 9031 0120 or log onto