A ‘Wildlife Records Text Number’ is available to make it easier for people to tell us what wildlife they see.
There is a great variety of wildlife throughout the Mid Ulster area – important habitats include unimproved grassland, woodland, fens, bogs, rivers, ponds and lakes. Each of these habitats supports its own range of plants and animals. An initial Biodiversity Audit has been undertaken to see exactly where and what the most important habitats and species are in the area. This will guide the development of Action Plans to help those habitats and species that are under the most threat locally.
However, the audit is an ongoing process and is updated with new records on a regular basis. This additional information helps build an even better picture of what species there are in the area, and where they are living.
One way you can make a valuable contribution to this process is to let us know what wildlife you see in the Mid Ulster area.
We will be grateful for all records, no matter how common you feel the species may be, but we are particularly keen to get records of species you think are rare or unusual. You can either contact Mark directly, or if you are out for an evening stroll, and have your mobile with you, why not text your record there and then? The only information we need is: the species; the location (preferably a grid reference, but the name of road/river/townland will do); and the date; to the Wildlife Text Number 07517372617.
For example:
Otter at Killymoon, Ballinderry River on 11/01/2013, or
Barn owl at Crossboy, Ballygawley on 3/02/2013, or
Kingfisher at Curran Bridge, Moyola River, GR: H 893 955 on March 10th.
Text Wildlife Records to: 07517372617.
Please note this number only receives incoming texts. To get in touch directly with Mark Edgar, Biodiversity Officer, Mid Ulster District Council, please use the contact details above.