Glynn Christmas Bird Watch

Yet again participants at the annual Glynn Birdwatch event were not disappointed. Despite the bone chilling weather, the birds were certainly not put off and were out in numbers, with quite a few species spotted on the day including Greenshank, Teal, Goldeneye and Little Egret.

The now annual birdwatch event took place at Glynn Halt on the Larne Line on Saturday 12th December. The station is an excellent vantage point to view birds with panoramic views across the lough.

Participants at the Christmas Glynn Birdwatching Event

Participants at the Christmas Glynn Birdwatching Event


The lough is an internationally important site for our local birds and is designated as an Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI), RAMSAR wetland and a Special Area of Protection (SPA) with the birds a key element in its protection. As well as an important breeding ground for certain species the Lough also supports important over-wintering birds such as the Brent goose and Goldeneye.  Click here to see some of the birds at Glynn RIMG1347

The event attracted both amateurs and experienced birdwatchers alike. Having bird experts on hand to help with identification, and the additions of telescopes, ID guides and binoculars added to the enjoyment of everyone on the day.  Hot Christmas drinks and treats also helped keep everyone in good spirits and warm on what was a very cold day.

For more information on birds on Larne Lough and about biodiversity in Mid and East Antrim, please contact the Biodiversity Officer on 0300 1245000, or email