Divis Mountain is the highest of the Belfast Hills, some 480 metres above sea level, and is perhaps best known for the mast that rises from the summit. The National Trust manages about 600 hectares. The area is best known for the presence of blanket bog and upland heath which are rare in an international context.
What is there to see?
Birds including snipe, curlew, meadow pipit, skylark, red grouse, greenfinch, cuckoo, short-eared owl and peregrine. Mammals, including Irish hare. Wildflowers, including cotton grass, lousewort, bog asphodel, sphagnum moss, mouse-ear hawkweed, heather, bilberry and harebell. Fungi, including waxcaps, such as pink meadow cap.
When is the best time to visit?
Any time of year.
Who looks after it?
The National Trust
Where can you get more information?
From the National Trust visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk