Cave Hill Country Park is one of the most frequented regions of the Belfast Hills. Visitors can ramble across the upland heath between Hazelwood and Carr’s Glen, and enjoy spectacular views of Belfast and beyond. The park, which covers 300 hectares, was established in 1993. It contains sites of geological, archaeological and historical interest, including several raths, the remains of a stone circle and McArt’s Fort. A portion of the upland meadow, hedgerows and marsh at Ballyaghagan, towards the Upper Hightown Road, has been declared a Local Nature Reserve.
What is there to see?
Birds, of upland regions, including meadow pipit, skylark, linnet, raven, kestrel, peregrine and buzzard. Mammals, including badger and fox. Wildflowers, including heather, bilberry, wild thyme, red broomrape, eyebright, wood sage, bog asphodel, cotton grass and lousewort. Also hawthorn hedges and gorse scrub.
When is the best time to visit?
Any time of year.
Who looks after it?
Belfast City Council
Where can you get more information?
From Belfast City Council visit www.belfastcity.gov.uk/parks