Lough Corr ASSI

A diverse upland wetland, situated on the eastern slopes of Bolaght Mountain, with good quality fen, swamp and freshwater communities. Lough Corr is a mesotrophic lake (moderate water levels), surrounded by purple moorgrass, which are classified as … [Read more...]

Moor Lough

This 16 ha upland mesotrophic lake, is surrounded by upland peat and provides recreational facilities for walkers, cyclists and anglers. … [Read more...]

Sperrins ANOB

The Sperrins is a 100 km site, offering a range of recreational activities to include angling, cycling and walking. … [Read more...]

Strabane Glen ASSI

This narrow valley was formed during the last deglaciation. It supports calcareous mixed woodland, with a river and steep gorge slopes. It provides a habitat for the red squirrel. … [Read more...]

The Burn Walk

This Woodland Trust site, with 1 ha of mixed woodland, was planted in 1999, as part of the 'Woods On Your Doorstep' community woodland creation. This new woodland compliments the existing woodland within the Pattens Glen, along the Cavanlee River and … [Read more...]

Killeter Forest

This is one of the largest areas of coniferous woodland in Ireland, which is owned and managed by Forest Service. There are several walking routes throughout the woodland for recreational activities.  It provides a valuable habitat for the red … [Read more...]

Creggan Country Park

Creggan Country Park is a recreation, education and training facility, characterised by three reservoirs, which are surrounded by mixed woodland, hedgerows and species rich wet grassland that supports a range of visiting birds, otter, foxes, … [Read more...]

Lough’s Agency, Riverwatch Centre

Riverwatch is a great tourist attraction, located opposite the Everglades Hotel, with FREE admission.  Visitors can see and learn all about local wildlife and there are free activity packs to keep the kids entertained. … [Read more...]

Bay Road Park

Bay Road Park, a Derry City flagship park is valuable to the people and visitors of Derry as an open space and for the wildlife found there. The location of the park on the banks of the River Foyle gives it an impressive presence as well as providing … [Read more...]

Prehen Wood

This Woodland Trust site is situated off the A5 Victoria Road, opposite the Everglades Hotel. It is a semi-natural ancient woodland, dominated by beech trees with a hazel, holly and oak under-storey. The woodland ground flora consists of bluebells, … [Read more...]