Barnett Demesne

Barnett Demesne is a 40-hectare park in south Belfast, bequeathed to the city in 1934.  The estate was originally established in the seventeenth century, but was extensively landscaped in the 1830s resulting in the open parkland and mature specimen trees so familiar today.  Rolling meadows and broad-leaved woodland lead from Malone House down to the River Lagan, which forms the southern boundary of the park.  Barnett Demesne is contiguous with the woodland around Mary Peters Athletics Track and Clement Wilson Park.

What is there to see?

Parkland Birds, including blackbird, song thrush, swallow, and spotted flycatcher.  Woodland birds, including blackcap, chiffchaff and jay.  Mixed flocks of thrushes and finches in winter.  Mammals, including badger, stoat, fox and hedgehog.  Wildflowers, including many woodland species.  Over seventy species of flowers and grasses in meadows, including common spotted orchid, butterfly orchid, pignut and cat’s-ear.

When is the best time to visit?

Spring for the woodland birdsong; May and June for meadow flowers; autumn for tree colour and fungi.

Who looks after it?

Belfast City Council

Where can you get more information?

From Belfast City Council visit