Perhaps the best known landmark in mid Antrim is Slemish, a steep sided hill east of Broughshane. The route is signposted from Broughshane to the slopes of the hill, where there is a car park, picnic tables and interpretative information. From the car park a steep, rocky path leads to the summit.
The uplands around Slemish are predominantly rush pasture, heath and blanket bog. In the higher ground there are few hedges and dry stone walls are a conspicuous feature. From the top of Slemish there are spectacular views across this landscape. The uplands are of particular importance for breeding curlew, lapwing and snipe and this region is also the main stronghold for the hen harrier in Northern Ireland. This raptor nests on the ground and needs large expanses of open habitat for feeding, its prey comprising mainly small birds and mammals. Other rare birds that can be spotted are merlin, buzzard and red grouse.