Lagan Meadows was the source of Belfast’s first piped water supply over 200 years ago. The spring at Lester’s Dam, which provided the water, still runs and gives rise to the wetlands and marsh for which Lagan Meadows is best known. But this attractive 49 hectare site also contains grazed pasture, meadow and woodland. Separated from the main park by the former Lagan canal is Moreland’s Meadow, where mature veteran oaks and cedars dominate the grazed pasture.
What is there to see?
Wetland birds, including snipe, woodcock, grasshopper warbler, sedge warbler and reed bunting. Woodland birds, including song thrush, dunnock, wren and treecreeper. Amphibians, frogs spawning in early spring. Insects including banded demoiselle,blue-tailed and azure damselfly, orange-tip, ringlet and cryptic wood white butterfly. Trees including oak, ash, willow, alder and hawthorn. Wildflowers, including common spotted orchid, lady’s smock, yellow flag, ragged robin and devil’s bit scabious.
When is the best time to visit?
Spring for migrant warblers and wildflowers; autumn for tree colour and fungi.
Who looks after it?
Belfast City Council
Where can you get more information?
From Belfast City Council visit www.belfastcity.gov.uk/parks